Thursday 1 May 2014

blog 1!


Hi my name is Matthew. day one
I think it should have a max of ten items so it does not get to bulky in your pocket so i tis easy to cary in pocket or bag so teachers wont find it.
1.It will have a pen
And a little capsule at the end for a stick of gum
It will have 2gb usb
It will have a pencil
It will have a sharpener
It will have a 2 inch blade
It will have a rubber
Mini TV screen to watch movies on the bus
Emergency money 

7/3/14 today in class i thought i would make a list of what i want in my school survival knife.I am a student who is doing an assessment for high school i have 2 make a knife that has everything you need for school life so lets get started. these are some of the coolest knives i have found on the web and that I think I will interoperate into my knife.

I think these are some of the best

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